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My belief based on my experience

October 23, 2016

I usually stay out of the political battles on the Internet and in person. But as I continually read all the posts and comments on Facebook I feel compelled to share my story. Let me begin by stating that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Each person has their own reasons for doing what they do. I would just like to clarify that before you judge someone for their vote maybe you should know their story. My vote is not against you or your belief system. My vote has nothing to do with you at all. 
I will tell you a story that might help explain where I stand. Four years ago, my life was threatened. I was told that this person would put two 357 slugs into my chest due to hate. When I didn’t respond the way they wanted me to, they threatened my entire family. I went through counseling, I prayed, I meditated, and still do. But once you’ve been terrified due to a threat and worry that your family will be harmed you are never really the same. It’s exhausting trying to protect everyone. Thank God I have the right to carry in order to protect myself and my family. I don’t carry for you to be afraid of me, I don’t carry because I think I’m a badass, I carry for my protection. Fast forward to last month. I went out to eat with my family at a local restaurant, this is one time in a very long time that I did not have my protection with me. We were having a great time. I needed to go to the restroom. While in the restroom, I noticed a pair of hands on the floor. As I am looking at these hands, I see then see a man’s face looking under the stall at me. When I ask him what he was doing he jumped up to run out. As he ran out, he bumped into another person that was coming in, so there was clear identification made. When I went to report it, we found out that the guy worked at that restaurant as a dishwasher. Surprisingly he didn’t speak English, therefore there was a language barrier. When the police were called I was told that this guy was an illegal immigrant and that this restaurant has people working there that are brought over by way of human trafficking. As far as I know the restaurant has no consequences because they’re still open for business. So when I tell you that I’m voting for a candidate that allows us to keep our guns and a candidate that wants to have some sort of control over the amount of illegal immigrants that enter our country, I am doing so because of my personal experience! May you never have those experiences. You vote your conscience, your belief system…. but don’t tell me how to vote until you know where I’ve been, where I come from, and what I’ve gone through.

From → Life, Uncategorized

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