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My belief based on my experience

I usually stay out of the political battles on the Internet and in person. But as I continually read all the posts and comments on Facebook I feel compelled to share my story. Let me begin by stating that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Each person has their own reasons for doing what they do. I would just like to clarify that before you judge someone for their vote maybe you should know their story. My vote is not against you or your belief system. My vote has nothing to do with you at all. 
I will tell you a story that might help explain where I stand. Four years ago, my life was threatened. I was told that this person would put two 357 slugs into my chest due to hate. When I didn’t respond the way they wanted me to, they threatened my entire family. I went through counseling, I prayed, I meditated, and still do. But once you’ve been terrified due to a threat and worry that your family will be harmed you are never really the same. It’s exhausting trying to protect everyone. Thank God I have the right to carry in order to protect myself and my family. I don’t carry for you to be afraid of me, I don’t carry because I think I’m a badass, I carry for my protection. Fast forward to last month. I went out to eat with my family at a local restaurant, this is one time in a very long time that I did not have my protection with me. We were having a great time. I needed to go to the restroom. While in the restroom, I noticed a pair of hands on the floor. As I am looking at these hands, I see then see a man’s face looking under the stall at me. When I ask him what he was doing he jumped up to run out. As he ran out, he bumped into another person that was coming in, so there was clear identification made. When I went to report it, we found out that the guy worked at that restaurant as a dishwasher. Surprisingly he didn’t speak English, therefore there was a language barrier. When the police were called I was told that this guy was an illegal immigrant and that this restaurant has people working there that are brought over by way of human trafficking. As far as I know the restaurant has no consequences because they’re still open for business. So when I tell you that I’m voting for a candidate that allows us to keep our guns and a candidate that wants to have some sort of control over the amount of illegal immigrants that enter our country, I am doing so because of my personal experience! May you never have those experiences. You vote your conscience, your belief system…. but don’t tell me how to vote until you know where I’ve been, where I come from, and what I’ve gone through.

My Gratitude!

It’s the season to be thankful. I didn’t post yesterday about this because I was blessed enough to be able to spend time with my family. I love them all and enjoy spending time with them (even the ones that get in my nerves)!
This time of year can be extremely stressful for those of us that have food restrictions. Everyone want us to try their special dish, and sometimes they get offended if we respectfully decline. I am lucky enough to live in a household that understands what happens when I eat food that contains the ingredients that are on my allergy list. My husband will read ingredient lists, encourage me when cooking, check spices to make absolutely sure I won’t get sick. My son doesn’t eat ANYTHING I eat, but does know why I do what I do. He has been known in several occasions to bring food home, announce that he has it, what it is and that under no circumstances should I eat it. My daughter is now an ingredient reader and is the most concerned with cross contamination. I am not only grateful for this, I know that I am blessed!
Now for my extended family….. That is another story! They tolerate me bringing only dishes that I can eat, they may taste them, make faces and then tell me how I have been so good that cheating wouldn’t hurt me. I have tried to explain to them that it’s not worth the pain, numbness and nausea that goes with a few seconds of eating certain foods. My mother should be on a very similar diet that I have. She has been constantly broke out in a rash that makes her look more like a burn victim, she has been to multiple doctors and none of them have been able to allow her to have instant gratification with relief from this. She has been told that she should stay away from certain food as well as chemicals, but has reservations. She ate whatever she wanted yesterday and when spending time with everyone after the feast she looked miserable! She said she should have been able to cheat since she has been doing so well lately. I just don’t get it! My dad refuses to eat anything I make stating ‘I like gluten!’ When asked what gluten is, he just blankly stares at me and says ‘I don’t know, but it tastes good!’ HA!
What I know today is that I am not sick, I get to participate going on a road trip with my husband and daughter and I don’t have to worry about a thing! I love my life, diet restrictions and all!
I hope each and every one of Yall have a great Holiday season full of family, friends and good food!

Here is a picture of desert! I’m totally not missing out on anything!

The change from the sofa

I start a challenge tomorrow with a group of people that have made a commitment to do ab exercises for a month. It is not uncommon for me to challenge myself to new things, I try to keep things interesting. I have not exercised since I broke my leg the end of last September. I have watched what I ate and subtracted ingredients that were found to be harmful to my body. I always find myself looking for ways to better myself and feeling sorry for those that don’t. When someone approaches me with health issues and complain about Dr bills, I have a quick debate within my head to either share what I know, give suggestions or to politely nod my head and walk away. Not everyone wants to change, to get better. Some people have determined that this is just the way their life was meant to be.

I did buy that line of crap 10 years ago. I figured my life was one full of illness, misfortune and bad decisions. I was so wrong! There has been so much change in me, in my thinking and my attitude that I no longer resemble that girl. I love to research things I CAN eat, things I CAN do instead of being in self pitty about things that I can’t.
Today I watched a documentary called ‘Hungry for Change’ on Netflix. It was not only informative, it’s was interesting! So that sparked a new drive in me. It validated what I believe about sugar as well as wheat products. I was going to challenge myself to not eat any type of bread or pasta for the month of June. My daughter has begged me not to. Saying that if I do that I will never eat it again (like that’s a bad thing!). I think I will go ahead with it along with the workout. If 1 challenge is good, 2 is better….. Right??
So after watching the documentary I decided to go to the grocery store and get some items to try my hand at juicing.
I have never done this therefore I do not have a magic juicer. I have tried using my blender, after what I believe to be a long time, there is still more to juice! After I drink (eat?) my detox drink I plan on having banana ice cream! Sound crazy? Well I will only be using 1 ingredient for it so therefore it is still healthy! I have a couple of ripe bananas in the kitchen. I am going to cut them up, freeze them and then blend them. It makes a fantastic ice cream without all the added stuff that goes in regular ice cream.
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I hope everyone is having a relaxing and enjoyable Saturday! I have to get back to juicing!

Memorial Day Blues!

It’s Memorial Day. A day to remember the men and women Serving in the military. We remember those that have given their all for our freedom. Those that have given the ultimate sacrifice so that I can voice my opinion, throw my fits and do basically what I want with my life. Every year I see pictures that help me remember to stop for a day and be filled with gratitude, to remember to stop when I see a soldier and say ‘Thank You for your service’!

This year was a bit different for me, I tried to stay home on my pajamas this weekend. I almost made it, but had to run to the store today to pick a few things up. This year was hard for me to think of those that gave their all because….. My son wants to join the military. He wants me to sign the papers for him because he is only 17. It takes a special kind of person to join the military (I think we all know this) but what I have found out is, it takes a special kind of mom to have a child in the military! I’m not sure I’m that mom! I have been full of fear since he brought up the subject. The thought of my son going off to war scares the absolute crap out of me! I have tried to inform him on what may happen, looked up the qualifications for each position they have. I found out he runs with a few guys from school lead by the recruiting officer. This fear runs deep! I have prayed, meditated, avoided this issue for as long as I could. I am a woman of action so this weekend while everyone was posting memorial things on Facebook, having cookouts and talking about those we have lost, I stayed home and baked!

I have spent my entire weekend baking cakes, cupcakes, donuts, bread, cheez-it’s, tortillas! I have been looking up recipes and sending my husband to the store (until had made me get dressed and go with him). I have baked until I can bake no more! Well, let’s not be ridiculous…. I will bake again in a few days! I have delivered goodies to my gluten free friends. I still worry and I still have fear, but for just today I have peace! Happy Memorial Day! Don’t forget those that have have served, are serving or will serve our country! God Bless the all!

A Decade!

Today has been an amazing day! I have been so full of gratitude as well as humbled. Today is the 10 year anniversary of my sobriety. When I walked into the rooms of AA I didn’t even believe I would remain sober! I called a woman that is the picture of ‘attraction not promotion’! Her first response was not ‘YES, I would be honored to be your sponsor!’ It was ‘who told you to call me??’ She was making a hit list before the conversation was over.
I sat in the room of the AA meeting trying to act and sound like I knew what was going on. I would attend multiple meeting a day so that by the end of the day it sounded like I knew what I was talking about, I took notes, bought every book and repeated everything I heard. I had no idea what was true and what was an opinion. I would call my sponsor and tell her everything was wonderful… I lied. 10 years ago I was dying in the rooms of AA! I had no idea how to live without booze!
I have since worked the steps multiple times, learned to be honest (even when I didn’t want to be), make amends where needed and keep commitments. I have bought a house, earned a degree, married the man of my dreams and am able to raise my 2 children without the ‘help’ of the state!
I have found out what it means to be a responsible adult as well as a productive member of society.
I have an amazing support group that encourages my to be the best me I can be. I am part of something. I no longer have to be the best in the room or the worst in the room, I am just in the room. Thank God I had a moment of clarity on May 8,2004. I am honored to be a small part of a group of amazing people that lead me to the life I get to live today! To all of you that are members of any support group and to those of you that love us that are in recovery, I thank you and have Much Love for each and everyone of you!

Another Year

It’s my birthday. Every year from this day until May 8th (my sobriety birthday) I find myself reviewing the last year. I reflect on the growth or the lack of growth in my life. I try to remember where I was and how things were a year ago. I find myself at the beginning of the week looking at my life as a whole, as a child, a young adult, an intoxicated single mother of two small children and then sobriety. I can look back now and not feel the guilt and regret of my choices and actions. I find peace in the fact that I am not the same person as I was then. I have worked hard to get where I am today, I have gained a lot of experience, knowledge and friends…. As well as lost a few along the way.
As a child a birthday was a special day to celebrate your life. For family to gather around you and make you feel special – even if it is only for a day. I have fond memories of birthdays as a child. I can remember not caring whose birthday it was, I knew it would be a great day!
As I have gotten older this feeling has faded. The stress of life has overtaken the joys of special days. It appears to be just another day on the calendar.
The last couple of years there have been some big events, life changing things have happened that have change my perspective. I feel like I should be more grateful for every year that I am able to celebrate but I find myself indifferent. I often ask myself ‘what’s the point?’ I am not suicidal, I don’t wish yo go to sleep one day and not wake up, I just don’t ‘feel’ the joys of life like I did.
The good part of the last few years is that I found a Dr. that found a solution to my physical problems. He was able to determine that the issues I was having were not in my head and gave me strict instructions to follow to get better. I finally gave in and began to do what I was told. I physically feel great! I have had the added bonus of losing about 23 pounds in the process. I love cooking/baking and creating things that I can eat. My daughter is becoming more aware of her eating habits and is leaning towards eating healthier. The men in my house will eat what I fix and not complain.
Here is my ‘problem’ (I know that this is a high class problem that most people would love to be complaining about) as I have become healthier, thinner and feel better, I have become invisible in my family. Don’t get me wrong, when they need things like money, errands or to take care of something, I’m their girl! But to just notice me? To have a conversation with me. To spend time with me. Probably not gonna happen! I know I can ask for these things, but I have it in my head that I will not ask because then it is done out of pity or guilt, and I will not have someone feel sorry for me! So I will do what I always do… I will get up, go to work and take care of business. Maybe my perception is off and the day will be fantastic, maybe it’s just another Wednesday. No matter what happens today, I know that I will be OK! I know that even when I feel weak that I am strong! I know where I come from, what I believe in and what keeps me sane and grounded!

Something New!

These are in the freezer right now! Can’t wait to taste them!

Greek Yogurt dipped strawberries!

Oops I did it again!

Well, I must confess…. I fell off the no sugar wagon. Not only was my foot tied to it, which resulted in me being drug down a very bumpy, rocky road…. I want to say ‘It wasn’t MY fault!’ The reality is, it IS my fault. No one held me down and shoved Jelly Beans down my throat!

It’s like when most people see shiny things. It is jewelry, nice cars and such… They get distracted and want the shiny object. I, on the other hand, get distracted by food. It comes in the form of candy, sugary sugar covered in a sugar coating!

Holidays are wonderful, we are usually surrounded by family and friends. Each holiday has a meaning, and it’s own ‘special’ candy/dessert. Think about it… Christmas: cookies, Thanksgiving: assortment of pies, Valentines: chocolate, you get the picture. It’s about yo be Easter….. Jelly Beans are everywhere!


I was out of town last weekend and somehow a bag of sour jelly bellies found there way into my purse, I felt truly compelled to eat fairly close to the whole bag, I did manage to convince a perfect stranger sitting at my table to partake in this (at the time) glorious event!


I had the very anticipated sugar rush and acted liked a extremely intoxicated crazy person. We then hit a fast food place and although I ordered the chicken sandwich with no bun, it didn’t occur to me they the chicken was breaded! I, in my sugar drunk stupor, ate it anyway! Then one more stop at the Starbucks before heading back home!

On the way I began to feel extremely ill (of course), we had to stop and pick up some allergy medicine, call the husband to have water and Benadryl ready for my arrival. My body began to shut down, bones ached, muscles started cramping, we thought I was hoping to die before I made it home (metaphorically speaking).

You would think I would have learned my lesson. It’s been 5 days and I have done it again!
The Jelly Beans were in an open bag sitting on the workroom table. I was busy and I was almost late for a group. I grabbed a handful, looked up and saw my employee looking at me with horror filled eyes, mouth open to slowly begin to yell NOOOOO, well that’s how I saw it. As she was yelling I shoved the whole handful in my mouth. I hit my high and rocked through the rest of the day, until it turned on me! I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds and to lift my arms was a chore! I made it home and went straight to bed. I woke up feeling hung over. Feeling gross! I am almost back to ‘normal’ now, with a strong resolution to not do that again! Willy Wonka…. I Hate you!


Lazy Saturday!

Today has been a fantastic day! I stayed in my pajamas until 4:30 this afternoon, it is very rare that I am at home with nothing to do or no where to be. I cherish these days. The first part of the day everyone else in my house was off working or hanging out. I had the house to myself! I started planning what I would fix for dinner and what I could bake for dessert! I do love to be in the kitchen making something!
For dinner we had Turkey burgers. The family had regular burgers with fries. I fixed mine using portobello mushrooms for the ‘bread’, added some guacamole with cilantro. It was pretty good, Very Juicy, but not bad tasting!


For dessert I made a cinnamon pecan coffee cake. It was from scratch and I just happened to have all the ingredients at home – this never happens! It’s Gluten-free and has no sugar added! It was fantastic!


I love days like this, so glad I was able to enjoy it because tomorrow is already filling up! >

Another Crazy Adventure!

I have never participated in Lent. I didn’t believe I had a reason too. I associated it with punishment (ignorance is NOT always bliss!) I felt bad for those of you that had to ‘give up’ something you love for 40 days. It seemed impossible to me… Until now!
As most of you know I have quit several things that I deemed unhealthy in my life over the past year. I have challenged myself to become healthier and have found it possible. I wanted to something for lent but couldn’t think of anything else to remove from myself. My husband and I had already started writing down every penny we spend from March 1st until the 31st. We are trying to see how we spend our money, and who has to do laundry for the next month due to spending the most.
I spoke to my brother who participates in Lent every year and found out that instead of taking something away, you can do something, like be of service everyday, go to church, or as he said call you brother every day! I have considered this and decided Instead of taking something away, maybe I could add a healthy activity to my routine. So after some research I have found something that peaked my interest. I am ‘oil pulling’.
I know it sounds very strange. The idea is that while swishing organic oil (I use coconut) in your mouth, it will whiten your teeth, prevents cavities, gets rid of gingivitis, helps with headaches, detoxifies your body and helps you sleep better. I have no idea if it will be beneficial, but I’m sure it can’t hurt. I am on day 3. All I know at this point is when I wake up a few minutes earlier and do this, I have a moment of quiet, calm, peace all to myself before my busy, hectic day begins!
Google it, try it, let me know if it works for you!

What are you doing to better yourself? I’m always looking for another way to challenge myself to be healthy!